Humanitarian Assistance
Mobile Augmented Reality solutions enable live-saving medical assistance by remote expertise to the most distant environments and care centers.
Augmented Reality - based humanitarian assistance
Arspectra’s mobile Augmented Reality solutions address the gap of inaccessible resources and healthcare among the most vulnerable and remote populations. Augmented Reality glasses and a specialized communication platform enable
· the virtual presence of remote but necessary expertise.
· a more efficient and comprehensive sharing of visual instructions.
· a faster diagnosis by mobile health agents and improved handling of emergencies.
· reduction of complex displacements and costs.
· Increased chances of procedure success and patient outcomes.

In various humanitarian care scenarios can mobile Augmented Reality-based solutions improve:
· the lack of specialized physicians in remote geographical locations.
· the support success, productivity and training of first responders.
· medical management through validated decision-making and support from remote expertise.
· advanced training, empowerment and productivity of health workers within the region.
· the current gap between the level of care in remote care centers and capital hospitals.

Get in touch to discover Arspectra’s Augmented Reality-based solutions developed with & for the humanitarian end-users and procedures.

Arspectra’s REA solutions for remote assistance and education represent a novel standard in visualization, collaboration and education in healthcare.