Arspectra’s CART 3D customizable Augmented Reality technology solutions enable partners to develop unprecedented AR-powered
surgical navigation platforms.

Customizable AR Technologies
Arspectra’s CART 3D solutions enable the development of novel surgical navigation for a large variety of surgical procedures.
With market-leading performances and customizable features,
CART is the premier platform for the developments of future medical AR applications.
3D diagnostic data, instructions, and holographic navigation are placed in the direct field of view of the healthcare professional.
Available for medical technology partners and academia only.

Large fully see-through Augmented Reality displays
allow 2D/3D representation of data, instructions, and images in the direct visual field of the user.
Stand-alone technology with agnostic connectivity
to medical data servers, hospital installations, and partners' medical devices.
3 dimensional tracking
enables the placement of information, data, and visuals at the most relevant position within the operational sight.
User- and procedure tailored form and use
designed with and for the medical end-user.
Advanced performances
ensure the seamless and real-time integration of digital visuals into the reality.
Medical devices
tuned to usability and compliance for a familiar, unobtrusive use with maximum procedure support.
Product Details
Data monitorin
intra-operative diagnostic images
Holographic representations
Data monitorin
Data monitorin
intra-operative diagnostic images
Holographic representations
Data monitorin
A variety of accessories are available to enhance the application of our solutions in a wide range of procedures.